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Sannin Shakedown

Post Author: ssj sasuke

Two down, one to go. Yeah it sucks that J-man might be out of the picture, but getting rid of Oro (for now) almost makes it better. As for Granny Tsunade, God only knows when shes going to bite the dust. Well, God and Kishi. Anyways, I was talking with some of the guys on this site, and it was suggested that I do a blog comparing the Sannin. I’m sure somebody has done this before, but it hasn’t been a while, so I’m going for it anyways.

As of now:

– Jiraiya tried to stop Pein from wreaking havoc across the world, and challenged him to Mortal Kombat. Unfortunately, Pein wiped the floor with his ass, and Jiraiya was last seen sinking down an endless abyss. BUT, we never see him die, so maybe, just maybe J-man managed to make it out…

-Orochimaru was defeated by Sasuke while trying to take his body, and was absorbed by him. Then, when Sasuke was out of chakra fighting Itachi, Oro made his big debut, for about 40 seconds until Itachi locked him into an eternal genjutsu…

-Tsunade, being the only active sannin right now, leads Konoha as its 5th Hokage. Of course she only got that position because Jiraiya turned it down. But, shes doing a good job at it none the less, and hopefully doesn’t fade like her male counterparts, although it is speculated to happen sooner or later…


As genin, these three worked together under the 3rd Hokage himself…

-Jiraiya’s past isn’t revealed that much, but what we do know is he was somehow linked to the toad race, and thats how he became the Toad Sage. We don’t know anything about his parents, but I’m sure he saw Sarutobi as a father figure, Tsunade as a Sister, and Oro as a creepy bro. After his days in Konoha, he sought permission, and wandered the world for “research,” on his novel, and to gather information for Konoha.

-Orochimaru most likely had a tragic past. It is confirmed that his parents died when he was very young, and so him and Sarutobi had a fairly close father and son relationship going on. Maybe too close… He was an important third of the Sannin trio, when they were a team, but when he wasn’t chosen for the 4th Hokage, he revealed his evil intentions, and left the Hidden Leaf Village and became the creepy bad guy we all no and love hate today.

-Tsunade also had a very tragic upbringing. She was the granddaughter of the 1st Hokage. Growing up with her beloved little brother, and then falling in love with Dan, a Jonin in Konoha, her life seemed to be going pretty smoothly. Then, in a short period of time, both Dan, and her little brother Nawaki were killed as a result of the last Great Ninja War. This led her down a path of cynicism and distrust, until one knuckle headed ninja reminded her of whats really important, and now she is the 5th Fire Shadow of Konoha.

Relationships formed:

– Jiraiya has always had a crush on Tsunade, but she never returned the affection. However, after he left to Amegakure, she hinted she would marry him when he returns… what a shame. He also had a firm relationship with Orochimaru up until his betrayal. He thought of them as brothers, much like Naruto and Sasuke, only to have his feelings smashed

-Orochimaru must have had some good, deep, deep, way deep inside, that was diminished because before he became a villain of the series, he was loved and respected by his companions. Jiraiya craved his brotherhood, and Sarutobi’s heart was broken, because Orochimaru was his favorite Student, almost like a son even. Since his departure, he has acted as a father figure to people like Kimimaru, Kabuto, and to a lesser degree, Sasuke. But it was probably all just for selfish, personal gain.

-Tsunade’s only true love was with a man named Dan, whose tragic death along with Nawaki’s made it hard for her to get close to others from then on. During her absence from the village, she took on Shizune (Dan’s niece) as her assistant, and close friend. As I hinted before, she apparently cares for Jiraiya too, as she was going to marry him when he came back.

Handling the youngins-

– Jiraiya’s main kid is Naruto, as he is his Godfather. He has become his sensei, and taught him many new techniques, like Rasengan, and has hopefully helped him become more of a man. He hasn’t shown too much interest in Sasuke or Sakura, but is once caught bashing Sasuke, probably because he reminds him of Orochimaru.

– Oro’s child of choice is Sasuke. Along with his homosexual boy crush, Oro has helped Sasuke become a much stronger ninja, and is once even heard saying that Sasuke severely outranks Oro back at his age. He likes messing with Naruto, pushing him to his mental limits. He really doesn’t care for Sakura.

-Tsunade has taken Sakura under her wing, and has also helped her become a strong ninja, and a great healer. She also cares greatly for Naruto though, as he has reminded her of Nawaki and Dan. As for Sasuke, she wants him back to Konoha, but only because he is a great liability to the village.

  • I have a theory that upon the death or at least dissapearence of their respective Sannin mentors, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura will reach their great turning point and maturity that we have been waiting for. With Sasuke, he was cleansed and hopefully turned toward the path of light. Naruto will probably become a much more serious person, and stop playing around when he finds out about Jiraiya, and who knows about Sakura, because who knows about Tsunade.

This ones for you J-Sama:

– Jiraiya; the biggest pervert in the Country of Fire. The man that would do anything to sneak a peek. But is he worthy of this title. Sure he is. Just look at him, they might as well call him Jiraiya Hefner, cause that guy is pimpin.

-Orochimaru; I’m sure somewhere, some weird little emo girls think he’s hot. Like in a Michael Jackson, Clay Aiken kind of way. I don’t know, if all else fails, at least he’s got that snake… ku ku ku.

– And the winner is…. yeah its Tsunade. Come on guys, how could I not pick her. Shes got the wisdom of an elder and “the body of a godess.” A hot head, with a hot body, she is the hottest Hokage Konoha has ever seen.