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Guild Requirements

1. a guild name
2. a reason for establishment
3. a guild motto
4. a guild logo (Logos must be small and no more than 120X120 pixels)

5. a guild password (optional/prevent fraud team members

6. Include at least 4 members in guild
7. Team Leader (optional)

TeamsIncludes: Team name, motto, leader, members.

Team Bob

Reason: Because Bob is Awesome.
Motto: SHANNARO!!!
Team Members:
Team Leader: Bob
Second-in-command: Bob-o-tron
Heavy Weapons: Bobzilla
Sniper: Ninja Bob

Writers Of Random Documents - Guild

Writers Of Random Documents - Guild

W.O.R.D. – G! – “So Random We’re FREAKING Awesome XD!

<!–[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <![endif]–><!–[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]–> <!–[endif]–>Reason: Cause we need a free writers guild!

Suna No Ken – Team Leader

Honey Chan – 2nd in Command

Hokage Sama – Guinea Pig

Kiku – Tactician

Team Mart

Team Mart

Team Mart – !

Reason: World Domination!

Mart1 – Team Leader




Sai Uchiha

Team Genso Shinobi – “Mother Nature ain’t got nothing on us!!!”

REASON: The voices in our heads told us to

nine@tailed@girl- Team Leader
lady hinata

TEAM AKATSUKI SNAKES “If ur not in Akatsuki, then ur not bad!!”

Reason- To control all the biju!

Paintheclown- Leader





Team Medic-Nin “With our help, you can live to see another day!”

Reason: Medical ninja lovers are an underrepresented minority.

Doctorharuno- Team Leader

GUILD NAME: Team Medic-Nin
GUILD MOTTO: “With our help, you can live to see another day!”

Reason: Medical ninja lovers are an underrepresented minority.


Doctorharuno- Team Leader

Team Badges

+ Team Mart Badge


+ A Mission – First Place Challenge Holder+ B Mission – Second Place Challenge Holder+ C Mission – Third Place Challenge Holder+ D Mission – Forth Place Challenge Holder
+ If you have more badge ideas let us know! Your idea may become a Badge!
+ Periodically, we will have polls for new Badges so Check it out!

91 Responses

  1. Taking Guild Submissions.
    Please do not make Guild mottos very lengthy.
    Pictures must be via link. (No hyperlinks)

  2. I have a team G,

    Team Mart,


    Me, Mart1 (leader)




    Reason for establishment: World Domination!

    Password: … it exists but I’m not telling just anyone, oh wait I am… inquire on chatroll if you wish to join…

    Motto: (TBA)
    Logo: (TBA)

  3. hmm, interesting, i used 2 b a cub scout, so getting into the boy scout based one is kinda nostalgic (4 those who don’t kno, i used 2 b ASP)

  4. Sorry G! I copy/pasted this over from the merit page

    Here are the things I’m thinking for the logo/guild merit badge, from most to least appealing.

  5. I say… a few more submissions before we start having contests! and missions for teams to battle in! muahahaha!

  6. XP I’m so excited about the new ranking system. I like the idea, reminds me of Pokemon: Explorers of time…. lol I luv this!!! GO W.O.R.D. -G!!!!!!!!

  7. oh yeah! Finally my guild is up! yeah! now if only those pesky computer texts werent there.
    SUna OUT! Go WORD -G!

  8. Yo, we need a third guild! who will step up?

  9. @Suna, if you create a pic. for a team badge, I’ll put it on your top four members (these people:)

    Suna No Ken – Team Leader

    Honey Chan – 2nd in Command

    Hokage Sama – Guinea Pig

    Kiku – Tactician

    Just make sure it’s smallish so it doesn’t have to be reduced and thus distorted.

    This applies to any guild.

  10. no new guilds now a days. Why doesnt anyone make one..

  11. @mart1; ill be in a third guild
    um… do i hav 2 think of all the stuff [just wonderin]

  12. oh well, my guild would b called “The Akatsuki-Snakes!!”
    my motto is “If you’re not in Akatsuki, then you’re not bad!!”
    my reason is “control of all the bijju”
    would any1 want 2 b in my guild? [i need 3 or 4 people]

  13. my logo will come out when i hav people in my guild

  14. sweet, maybe we’ll have a guild contest, any ideas?

  15. maybe… we could… um… hav a blog writing contest.
    yeah, and sum1 could judge a post from each team, and whoever the judge picks, wins a badge.
    idk though, just brainstormin

  16. 4 a team badge 4 team akatsuki-snakes could b a snake

  17. Zep, dark night and dark prince will, u guys b in my guild?

  18. What’s the guild about.

  19. its about people who lik the bad guys in naruto? or r u asking 4 more specific details?

  20. hey, G, can u b asked 2 b in sum1’s guild?

  21. @Paintheclown
    u said dark night, are you talking about me?

  22. yeah, i was talking about u

  23. Sure, ill join, but i wonder if everyone else will…

  24. hey, G can u b asked 2 join a guild?
    [plz anwser me]

  25. I’m announcing the first guild contest, the rules are simple: Write a Sasuke vs. Naruto rematch fanfic. set in the present cicumstance Due by Wednsday july 8th, to be judge by Popular vote and Author vote (each are worth points awarded by an inverse proportion to value, Ex. if four guilds compeat, first place gets four points points last place gets one and the total points from each vote gets added together whoever has the highest total points wins)

  26. got a guild right here ^^

    GUILD NAME: Genso Shinobi
    GUILD MOTTO: Mother Nature ain’t got nothing on us!!!
    REASON FOR ESTABLISHMENT: The voices in our heads told us to

    PASSWORD: if we told u then it wouldn’t be a secret password now would it :P?

    1. nine@tailed@girl
    2. lady hinata
    3. Silver_Uchiha
    4. mizudrop

  27. link for the logo for Genzo Shinobi

  28. almost got a guild
    need 1 more person
    thhe members so far r:

    Me, Paintheclown- Leader

    Darkknight- 2nd in command

    and Doctorharuno

    any1 else want 2 join my guild, i only need 1 more person

    also, tell me if u lik this logo

    never mind, that image is way 2 big.

    here is the right link

    yellowflash_2, will u join my guild?

    i’m trying 2 get a guild ready as fast as i can
    as i hav said b4, i only need one more member
    i hope i can get a guild ready b4 the contest is over
    do u mind helping me a little bit more?

    sry, the last link to a logo is a little too big [150×115]

    Zep, wutz ur anwser?
    plz, respond

  29. or do u lik this logo

  30. ok, here it is

    Team Name- The Akatsuki-Snakes

    Team Members [so far]:

    Me, Paintheclown- Squad Leader

    Darkknight- 2nd in Command

    Doctorharuno- Medical-nin

    ????- need the 4th person [any1 want 2 join?]

    Reason: To control all the Biju!!

    Motto: If you’re not in Akatsuki, then you’re not bad

    Logo: TBA [team members put it 2 a vote]

    and thats it… so far lol

  31. I’ll help you a bit more but 1. I can use any of the pic.s and 2. I don’t think Doctor Haruno joined your guild, I think you misunderstood something I said yesterday

  32. sorry PtheC!! I’m just not that into the villains : )

    However, I am toying with the idea of a medical ninja lovers guild. If anyone would like to join, let me know.

  33. @PtC
    @nd in command?
    Are you sure?

  34. idk, well, DH is out
    so, i need 2 more members
    so plz tell me if u want 2 b in my guild
    still need Zep’s responce

  35. hi

  36. hi, Y

    ok, Yukiko is now in my guild

  37. i will join^^

  38. ok

  39. I’m condesning these short ass comments into larger ones, so don’t be surprised.

    and I’m not doing it all tonight, so again, don’t be surprized

  40. sure. why not. I’ll check it out I guess.

  41. ok, my guild is ready!!

    Me, Paintheclown- Leader



    and Yukiko

    Motto- If ur not in Akatsuki, then ur not bad!!

    Reason- To control all the biju!

    Logo- http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo129/putriezz_-/akatsuki_orochimaru.jpg

  42. So you’ve got it all together ptc? i’m glad it worked out : ) .

    To everyone else, I’m still looking for medical ninja lovers interested in forming a guild. Just let me know and we can get started.

  43. mart u mind if i join?

  44. yeah you can join, I was kinda expecting it. I’ll send the password to your email

  45. Mart1, beanzyie was talking about my guild : P . Lilmamasitha has joined as well, just waiting on one more member!

  46. Dude, it’s really that slow that we’re conversing in the Guild Page. WHY ISN’T ANYONE WRITING ANYTHING!??!?!

  47. we will, just u wait
    im thinking up an idea
    ok, Zep?

  48. Zep, there’s a writing challenge, I’ve been kinda busy else where… so no writing, but I’m trying to get something out, that and these past chapters have been blah

  49. Yeah, I would of posted something already, but no internet at home. And I can’t post at work. It;s weird trust me.

  50. woot i just joined W.O.R.D 😀

  51. Suna can you confirm that with me (This applies to all guild leaders, you have to tell me when you add someone new

  52. mart wrong again! sorry wootnaruto joined my guild, which is now complete!

    GUILD NAME: Team Medic-Nin
    GUILD MOTTO: “With our help, you can live to see another day!”

    Reason: Medical ninja lovers are an underrepresented minority.


    Doctorharuno- Team Leader

    Logo: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsassorted/dr_mcninja.jpg

  53. That picture may be too big. If so this should work better:

  54. sry mart, the name is “Akatsuki Snakes” not “Akatsuki”, sry 4 not telling u the name

  55. mart wrong again!… He said “I joined W.O.R.D. (Suna’s guild) you see where I’m confused…

    To all new guilds: be patient it might take a few days (finals)

    PtC: I’ll fix it…

  56. thnx mart

  57. lol sry guyz nvm i join team medic-nin

  58. ok, this is a idea for a team akatsuki snakes badge

  59. Yay! Deputy G, This is turning into a hit! Mart, I’m working on your challenge right now ;D That’s me, your ordinar 11-year-old (12 on the 20th) otaku fanfic writer!

  60. can you scale that down for me? otherwise the waiting list is about two-three days

  61. Mart1, here is the badge for Team Medic-Nin. Let me know if it is too big. Thank you : ) !!!!

  62. okk this my team badge

  63. DH i checked our badge its not too big its too small lolz

  64. whos guild am i in?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  65. @bean
    ur in doctorharunos guild
    team medic-nin

  66. Hello! Mizu here!
    I have a suggestion for the next task.
    Writing a post on Psychology in Naruto, but refering to a single school of thought, like Freud.
    It might seem a bit more scientific but it could be very interesting.
    So whadayasay?:)

  67. Interesting

  68. Maybe We Could…


    We Could Make A Report About Danzou’s Sharingan

    And Like Um… IDK, But It’s Just An Idea So…

  69. Hey Mizu not to sound all jerkish but HELL NO!
    and here is my reason, for while the scholar in me says yes, the overpowering Naruto fan say’s step the freak back from this idea or someone bout to get massacred up in here. And yes my inner hardcore fan likes to think it’s from the streets so please heed it no attention.

    That isnt o say we couldnt change it up abit. Right now too many people are doing origin stories, what we could do instead of doing a PSYCHOLOGY of naruto which would have to also explain why they are like that, thus origin story, is have each guild decide on a character which most relates to what they are doing, give the reason’s why, and as a fun bonus write about how they could become an even better version of themselves.

    Like say team akatsuki snakes does itachi. He’s the embodiment of “evil” (before madara told otherwise). So they say stuff like “itachi was cold blooded murderer and we molded ourselves after him because we’re too held back. And because we want all the girls to think we’re sexy when we’re not” then they say as they’re related because “Itachi’s sole mission in life was to capture the nine tailed fox. While he may have died in battle we will not rest until we fulfil his mission for him” Finally for them to improve him would be like “itachi had too much of a conscience. he didnt like to see unneccessary blood shen. If he were the crazy maniacal itachi we saw during the sasuke/itachi fight that wanted to steal sasuke’s eye’s to keep from going blind then he would have been the baddest ninja in the whole series. Forget pain, when it come to akatsuki evilness Itachi takes the cake.”

    Now this has no real purpose other then as an entertaining side activity but it deserves some thought. And the guild that makes the best fit could get something like a “best Character idol” badge.
    Thats it for now guy’s.

  70. Team Medic-Nin votes to allow this topic be put into action as a guild contest! Great topic submission Suna!

  71. Team Akatsuki Snakes also supports this Guild Contest Idea too!


  72. Team mart says meh, why not? Just so long as some one else does the post write up…

  73. ALRIGHT I’ll MAKE SURE TO DO THE POST WRITE UP! YAY! Alright we have a new contest people so read above and get ready! The CONTEST POST WILL HAVE A DEADLINE OF 8/28 exactly 1 week from friday!

  74. hey mart how did you do the post write up in the last guild contest? Did you just write something or did yoiu look into the actual guilds creations. I dont need help but advice would be great. Thanks.

  75. I wrote the initial challenge on the blog a few comments up, then I after the contest date I wrote a page to decide the winner on. I think people need more time though, I haven’t even begun to write something yet…..

  76. Yes, we need more time. We also haven’t started the contest.

  77. ok no deadline as of yet then. deadline to be announced later.

  78. I would like to announce that Team Akatsuki Snakes has split up on my accord. But, Me, pein0avenue, yellowuchiha, and naruruler12 are now in a guild.

    The guilds name is The Raikoben Warriors!

    The motto is “I have a Dream, to be the best at what I do and won’t let anything get in my way” (pein’s motto)

    The Reason is to gain respect

    The members are up at the top.

    The logo is http://ui09.gamespot.com/1704/konohaleafhokages_2.jpg

    if you need anymore info, just comment!

  79. Btw.,..

    PtC=Team Leader

    pein=Second in command


    naru=test subject

    Also, they wanted to be like our logo so…




    and naru=3rd

  80. But since ptc retired i guess me or pein0avenue will be Team Leader but really doesnt matter.

    Team Leader: Pein0avenue or YellowUchiha

    Second In Command: Pein0avenue or YellowUchiha

    Spy: Naruruler12

  81. Am I chopped liver?

  82. Am I chopped liver? actually…YU is a better writer than me…And P0A…dammit >_<

  83. not really just chose what positon you want and comment alright dude

  84. I don’t want to be pushy or anything…I’m not better than either one of you, so you two choose ;D

  85. lets change the stuff then

    Leader— someone (Yellowuchiha or pein0avenue or naruruler)

    second in command—- someone (Yellowuchiha or pein0avenue or naruruler)

    Anbu——-someone (Yellowuchiha or pein0avenue or naruruler)

  86. hmm…How about Leader-YellowUchiha
    Second In Command-Naru

    And since Anbu is AWESOME! How about Anbu-Pein0avenue?

    Just a suggestion >_>

  87. YellowUchiha: Can i be on team bob?

    Bob: no because your name is not bob.

    (yellowuchiha comes back)

    Bob: BOB! WHO ARE YOU?

    Bob(yellowuchiha): Im bob.

    Bob: no i am Bob!

    Bob(YellowUchiha): ohh you mean who am i: idk i think im yellowuchiha!

    Bob(yellowuchiha): can i be on team bob now.

    Bob: no

    Bob( yu): Why…..i changed my name to bob!?

    Bob: i didnt want you to change your name…there can only be one bob “me”.

    Bob (yu) : ok

    (yellowuchiha comes back)

    YellowUchiha: I changed my name now can i be on team bob!!!?

    (Bob looks at the name and goes crazy)

    Bob: you idiot…why would you change your name to bob loves dicks?

    Bob love dicks(yellowuchiha): you told me to change my name.

    Bob: i meant back to yellowuchiha NOT BOB LOVES DICKS!

    Yellowuchiha: but to be on your team i have to have bob in my name.

    Bob: you cant be on my team.

    YellowUchiha: moarns in pity….. :(………oooooooookkkkkkkkk.

    Bob: Thank God he left im never coming back here while he is on.

  88. this never hapened though

  89. @ yu, wtf!? lol, that was a funny skit

  90. i was bored so i just wrote it

  91. It’s been a while since the guilds saw any action. It was fun the last time we did sth together. I haven’t been visiting the site much and I realize most people are as busy as I am (and more), but it’d be great if we did some challenge again.

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