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Naruto vs Bleach Tournament Round 3 Death Punch VS Sakura Punch

POST AUTHORS: Whitefangofkonaha and Kakashi0114

Naruto Vs. Bleach

Chad vs. Sakura
Chad VS sakura haruno

Kon calls the next to fighters: Sakura and Chad
As sakura walks down to the competition, Kon winks at her says “Good lucky baby!”
Sakura out of anger and disgust punts the living crap out of Kon.
::Kon flies into the air:: *twinkle*
Ichigo yells, “Chad woop her ass for the team!”
Naruto then yells “Sakura-Chan woop him!”

Sakura and Chad both step up and shake hands and say good luck.
Kon falls back down to where the two fighters recently shook hands and falls in a loud *thump*
A disoriented Kon says: “FiiIIIiiiight!”

Chad and Sakura both run up to each other and swings at full power
::BOOM! A big cloud of smoke appears::
As soon as the explosion clears they look at each other.
::They are both on separate sides::
Sakura says, “your pretty good.”
Chad replies, “you too.”
::They proceed to fight again::
::Going at each other as fast as lighting but as strong as thunder every time they connect::

Chad then backs up and throws one of his “death punches” and creates an immense beam or raw energy! Sakura quickly thinks and punches the ground and blocks the beam with cement from the ground and creates an explosion. Sakura stands there amidst the ruble and can’t see anything as the smoke is clearing, then she notices something through the smoke coming fast and furious – Chad! They come face-to-face Chad does close face-to-face punches while Sakura does her famous “Sakura punch” punching directly in the face sending both flying. The both of them are knocked back again.

They then rub the blood off each others faces while running to each other; Chad pulls a punch and Sakura catches it saying, “You only have power in one hand, but I have another fist!” Sakura lays a crack down on Chad’s stomach!
Chad getting angrier just unleashes a barrage of death punches.

Sakura says “I thought I taught you the first time!” and appears behind Chad.
Chad, now stunned asks, “How did u do that?”
Sakura responds, that it was a clone and she had enough time to go underground digging a hole behind Chad.
Before Chad had time to respond Sakura has already punched his stomach repeatedly. Chad badly beaten and broken then comes up with an idea. He starts running towards Sakura and does death punches while he runs… Sakura not thinking keeps reflecting the shoots while standing in the same spot not realizing Chad is only doing that to get closer. Chad then pulls an enormous death punch and a huge cloud of explosion results.

As the smoke clears and Chad and Sakura is face to face. Before Sakura can react, Chad sends a punch directly in the face of Sakura and sends her flying! As Sakura is still flying in the air Chad sees his chance and unleashes a barrage of death punches repeatedly hitting Sakura. Sakura is now almost is as battered as Chad, she thinks, “I better end this Battle quickly or I am done for.”

Sakura realizes that Chad is standing next to the hole that she made before. She spots this as an opportunity and smacks the ground at full power. Chad looks at her and chuckles, “You missed me.” Sakura smirks, and points at the hole. Chad looks down and the floor starts to crumble and it explodes from the bottom up!

Chad unravels from the rukus and climbs up from the rubble. Chad is coughing up blood.
Chad looks at him and agrees… it is not time to be messing around anymore.

Chad begins to transform his right arm, and the spiritual pressure is set to its highest. The energy around his arms were radiating bright. And Sakura is now a bit worried. Using all of his spiritual powers he begins with a “death punch” and directly hits Sakura in the torso and sends her flying while also creating a massive explosion.

As the smoke clears… it seemed as if only Chad is left standing.
Kon begins, “And the winner is…”
::BOOM:: Sakura lifts a boulder that was laying on top of her and she gets up slowly. Sakura does some hand signs and heals herself.

Both Sakura and Chad realizes that it is down to this last shot, although the both of them are tired, they know that this is it. Chad charges the last little bit of spiritual energy he has; while Sakura charges all the chakra she has to one last punch.

Chad has the advantage from the last attack and decides to make a preemptive strike. He takes a leap first towards Sakura. Sakura reacts to that and runs towards him with her chakra charged arm.

::An earth-shattering explosion pierces through all the spectators ears and a beam of light causes them to duck from the attack::

Sakura and Chad met in the middle with a tremendous knock to each others face and both of them go flying. Both of them restlessly lay unconscious. The spectators are curious what is going to happen…

”TIE!” Yells Kon. He then announces the next match: Toshiro vs Kakashi

Editing and Graphics done by: Guruku