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Naruto Manga Chapter 403 – The Taste of Crow

Post Author: Bob

This chapter is one of reflection for Naruto but also sets the stage for what could be an epic confrontation against Sasuke in the future. We also find Sasuke in a mysterious location with his now best buddy Madara; it looks like he bought Madara’s story, hook, line and sinker. What’s worse is that even though he acknowledges his brother’s sacrifice, he is still going to do the exact opposite of what Itachi died trying to prevent. What the hell is going on in that head of his anyways?

The first part of the chapter has Naruto back in his home in Konoha and looking kinda depressed. After getting messed around by Madara and then returning empty handed from his latest mission, Naruto is understandably not in the highest of spirits. He probably went out and tried to cheer himself up the only way he knows how: by binge eating ramen the whole night. Now, suffering from severe indigestion, Naruto has no choice but to lie down and think about the his encounter with Itachi during the mission.

With the benefit of hindsight, we now know that Itachi met with Naruto in order to test him. Itachi must have known that his chances of surviving in the upcoming battle was low. In fact, I’m sure he already knew that he must die in the fight with Sasuke in order to save Sasuke. Itachi knew that Madara was planning on going after Sasuke, but he also must have realized that in his current state, he was in no shape to take on Madara. His only choice was to leave some of his powers with Sasuke in the hopes that his brother will learn to master his new abilities and be powerful enough to face Madara. However, Itachi also foresaw that Madara would attempt to convert Sasuke to his cause, so he set into motion several contingency plans for just such a situation. We already witnessed the first, which was the triggered Amaterasu from the unsuspecting Sasuke’s eye and which almost burnt Madara to a crisp. Unfortunately, that plan was a failure, but Itachi had already prepared a second plan – this one involves Naruto.

Naruto must have fascinated Itachi ever since they first met. They both share an iron resolve to never give up on their object until it’s achieved. But more importantly, Naruto cares for Sasuke as much as Itachi himself did. Itachi needed someone like Naruto to continue where he could not because he can trust Naruto to save Sasuke with every ounce of strength he has in him. This is why Itachi tested Naruto while he was in his genjutsu by asking him to choose between saving Konoha and saving Sasuke. Naruto may have sounded childish by stubbornly refusing to abandon neither one, Itachi instinctively understood that Naruto’s determination was not just a mere boast, but was backed up by unbreakable willpower and grit.

Itachi transfers part of his powers to Naruto via crow mail. I bet everybody was like WTF? when they saw that bird being rammed down Naruto’s throat. Of all the ways to transfer power, couldn’t Itachi have picked out a more elegant method? Itachi tells Naruto that he hopes he doesn’t have to ever use the power (against Sasuke most likely) but fails to inform Naruto what or how to use it. What this power is is a complete mystery, but it can’t be something to do with the Sharingan because 1. Naruto won’t be able to use it and 2. Itachi could still use all of his Sharingan abilities during the fight with Sasuke. Whatever this power is, it must be able to stand up against the Mangekyou Sharingan.

I also believe Itachi may have a third plan in motion, this one involves his partner Kisame. I have the feeling that Kisame owes more loyalty to Itachi than he does with Akatsuki. It’s possible that Itachi left specific instructions for Kisame to carry out in case he died. Kisame’s absence at end of last chapter indicate that he may be now operating independent of Akatsuki (Suigetsu did not defeat Kisame because he is not carrying his sword).

The second half of the chapter shows Sasuke having his own flashbacks about Itachi. We find Sasuke sitting on the top of a large structure which resembles the buried bones of some long dead creature. All around him in the cliffs are holes in the wall face, they are possibly the ancient remains of old housing. Sasuke’s conversation with Madara suggests they have been preparing something – a giant summon perhaps?

As Sasuke stares up at the moon, repressed memories of the night of slaughter slowly creep in. Sasuke remembers that after Itachi started to leave, he was actually able to activate his first level Sharingan and give chase. Of course, young Sasuke was not able to stop Itachi, but he did witness something important: Itachi crying. Itachi was probably either feeling sorrow for having to abandon Sasuke or feeling proud that his younger brother has activated his Sharingan for the first time in such a situation – a sign that Sasuke has the will to survive. However, these memories of Itachi only help to reinforce Sasuke’s belief that what Madara has been preaching is the truth. Sasuke plans to honor his brother’s sacrifice by reviving his clan, which can potentially mean he is gonna start making lots of babies, but more likely means he will take down Konoha. Itachi would be rolling over in his grave right now… except that his body is probably still in Madara’s possession.